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ILLJOEY can be found linked to the sites Directly below. Visit them they are all Worthy!

ILLJOEY chat. Join FREE! See you there We are hanging around the Chat room once in a while, Stop by. Cool site. Go to TUNES, Click UR BANDS LINKS on right. ILLJOEY is there. Your band can be too. Gotta love'em.
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Favorite Sites
ILLJOEY Music Go here to Purchase CD's online. Sick of Society is OUT!
Joe Logan Some more good music for your enjoyment.
Element These guys are taking Dayton by storm. A definite good show, GREAT music, and a fabulous time!
Station MP3, Post it! Another outlet for us to be heard.
DR.X This band Definitely has it going on! New CD out, visit this link to buy it. Thanx Greg!