Official Site of ILLJOEY, The Band
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Welcome Friends!


We have been working very hard to deliver what could prove to be a MAJOR musical break through. (at least we hope)

Our recently released EP "Sick of Society" is available through our friends at MP3.COM. Another disc is in the works right now, and soon samples will be available at

ILLJOEY is a dedicated band working to improve society's outlook, as well as create a favorable attitude that will spread throughout humanity.

Our primerary goal is to prey on dissention, and to use music to promote optimistic behavior.

Site Updates
7/17/01     Primerary site Layout
7/28/01     Counter and guest book installed.
8/13/01    Photo update and marquee.
8/24/01    "Dig This" quote update started.
8/26/01     Member photos update.
9/03/01    More photos.

Comming attractions

As we mentioned, Another CD is in the works. We hope this will be for sale before you know it.

In addition, A collective CD of Dayton only ROCKERS is a very reasonable, and tangible goal. Our goal is exposure to Dayton bands. Exposure to consumers, building a fan base, and more than local recognition. This could benefit many Charities as would most of the Proceedes would be donations. We are working on Production costs, and the artist base right now. Many bands will recieve either personal,E-mail, or other "special" notification about the projects. All works Registered, and owned by thier respected artist, will be considered for deposit. Details as the Idea grows. Who Knows...
Goody & Joe

Remember our Sponsors

Our sponsors make this site possible so please visit their sites to see what they have to offer.

See our sponsor links

The folks at Modelmotion are displaying our MP3 site link. Visit as there are PLENTY of things for everyone there.
Email us at ILLJOEY!